"New" Operator in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there’s an operator called new which we use to create an instance of an object (i.e Constructor function). So, what does new do? Well, it ensures that you always get an object when you use it with a constructor function. By the way, there’s no difference between a constructor function and a normal function, both are same. The term constructor function is used to indicate that we can create an object of that type using the new operator.

Consider the following example:

function Foo() {
    this.name = 'Foo';
var foo = new Foo();
foo.name // => Foo

The above code pretty much says that you first create an instance of the constructor function (note the upper case first letter, it is a convention not a rule ) using new operator, once that statement executes you now have an object as the value of foo and in the next line it simply prints the “name” property of that object, which in this case is an instance variable of the constructor function “Foo”.

Take a look at the example below and guess what would be the value of foo:

function Foo() {
     this.name = 'Foo';
     return 'Foo';
var foo = new Foo();
foo.name // => Foo

Interesting thing is that in this case the value of foo is still an object, but we did return a String, so why the hell foo contains an object? Well, the purpose of the new keyword is to ensure that you always get an object, so anything other than object is discarded, if you return an object then that will be used else a new object is created and returned. Now if we replace our return statement using this code return { prop: 'Foo' }; then the value of foo will have a different value altogether and accessing foo.name will result in undefined.

Interestingly, if you return null then that will be NOT be used, even though you might think that null is an object and typeof(null) === 'object', so it should use that. In fact, it does not, it appears that new returns only objects which can evaluate to truthy value.

The last but not the least, if you return a function other than object then the function will be used. Why? Because functions are objects too, only difference is that they are special objects, that’s why there’s a separation between objects and functions, the typeof operator handles that properly, but in this case it appears that the new doesn’t really care about that.

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